A blog of two halves

Millie gets the boot

Central defender Millie Bright briefly turned centre forward to become the joint winner of the Arnold Clark Cup golden boot!

23 February 2022
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Pictured (L-R) are Ellen White, Millie Bright, Fran Kirby and Rachel Daly of England. PICTURE: GETTY IMAGES

In the nicest possible way, of course... Central defender Millie Bright briefly turned centre forward to bamboozle the German women’s side at Molineux in midweek by scoring another crucial goal and helping the Lionesses lift the first-ever Arnold Clark Cup.

Remarkably, she was the joint winner of the tournament’s golden boot!

In a dazzling Chelsea double, both Bright and Fran Kirby added late goals to push England to the top of the table in the mini competition, moving above the favourites Spain.

As nearly 13,500 fans bayed Sweet Caroline, national manager Sarina Wiegman threw caution to the wind with the game deadlocked at 1-1 and pushed Bright from the back line up into attack.

Blues manager Emma Hayes, commentating on the televised game on Wednesday night, cackled with delight as Bright slotted home for 2-1 before a breakaway by Kirby added the cherry on top.

“It was brilliant,” said makeshift striker Bright, who immediately went back to shore up defence after her goal. “In the past it’s been a rocky road for [England], but I’m proud of how far this squad’s come.”

With Jess Carter impressive on the left (until a knee injury forced her to limp off), there were three Blues in the starting line-up.

Niamh Charles was on the bench, touchingly giving her spare shirt at the end to a tiny girl holding up a cardboard plaque reading ‘We are the Lionesses of the future!’

Millie Bright’s golden boot award is likely to be the only one she ever gets in her playing career. Something to explain to the grandchildren when they ask her what that cobwebby thing is on the mantelpiece.

The Blues play Leicester City at Kingsmeadow in the FA Cup fifth round on Saturday.

The views expressed in this blog are those of the author and unless specifically stated are not necessarily those of Hammersmith & Fulham Council.

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Tim Harrison

Tim is our Chelsea FC blogger.

Tim has been writing Chelsea match reports since the late 1980s for newspapers and, more recently, websites.

When he first reported on the Blues, the press box was a metal cage suspended over the lip of the old west stand - and you reached it via a precarious walkway over the heads of the fans.

But he has been a Chelsea fan since his father took an excited seven-year-old to watch Chelsea v Manchester United in the mid 1960s... and covered his ears every time the chanting got too ripe.

In July 2005 he wrote The Rough Guide to Chelsea, published by Penguin, which sold 15,000 copies.

His favourite player of all time is Charlie Cooke, the mazy winger who lit up Chelsea's left wing in the 60s and 70s.

When he isn't watching the Blues, Tim acts, paints, writes and researches local history.

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