A blog of two halves

Chelsea Women get off to a rusty start to the year due to international burnout

Rusty. That was Emma Hayes’ verdict on how many of her Chelsea Women stars had begun the new season.

13 September 2021
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The Special K partnership of Sam Kerr (pictured right) and Fran Kirby were up against the Toffees last Sunday. PICTURE: GETTY IMAGES

Rusty. That was Emma Hayes’ verdict on how many of her Chelsea Women stars had begun the new season... with Olympic and summer international commitments largely to blame.

But her players steadied the ship and turned in a majestic performance against Everton Women at Kingsmeadow on Sunday, to banish any lingering doubts about the squad’s determination and fitness.

Hayes’ advantage over all the other Women’s Super League managers is her longevity in her post.

A decade of stability, with more than 250 games at the helm, means she has developed her skills alongside those of her more senior players.

No other manager comes close, and the near-telepathy that she has with her girls in blue means she can spot who’s flagging and who’s out of sorts even before the players know it themselves.

The Special K partnership of Sam Kerr and Fran Kirby was back up front against the Toffees, with Kirby scoring the opener in a 4-0 victory... a lovely, languid lob over Everton keeper Sandy MacIver.

Kerr netted twice – one a ribbon-wrapped gift of a defensive error, the other an unstoppable header from a Guro Reiten pinpoint cross – while Beth England had a slightly fortuitous goal to seal the win; the ball bouncing off the crossbar and flying in.

Chelsea looked the real deal, something they’ll now have to hold on to during another cursed international distraction. The 2,379 fans who cheered them on at the weekend have to wait until 26 September at Leigh Village for the next chapter against Manchester United.

The views expressed in this blog are those of the author and unless specifically stated are not necessarily those of Hammersmith & Fulham Council.

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Tim Harrison

Tim is our Chelsea FC blogger.

Tim has been writing Chelsea match reports since the late 1980s for newspapers and, more recently, websites.

When he first reported on the Blues, the press box was a metal cage suspended over the lip of the old west stand - and you reached it via a precarious walkway over the heads of the fans.

But he has been a Chelsea fan since his father took an excited seven-year-old to watch Chelsea v Manchester United in the mid 1960s... and covered his ears every time the chanting got too ripe.

In July 2005 he wrote The Rough Guide to Chelsea, published by Penguin, which sold 15,000 copies.

His favourite player of all time is Charlie Cooke, the mazy winger who lit up Chelsea's left wing in the 60s and 70s.

When he isn't watching the Blues, Tim acts, paints, writes and researches local history.

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