A blog of two halves

Chelsea keeping it in the family by signing Reece’s sister

The signing of striker Lauren James from Manchester United for £200,000 means Chelsea Women have an embarrassment of riches up front.

26 July 2021
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The signing of striker Lauren James from Manchester United for £200,000 – a record fee between Women’s Super League clubs – means that Chelsea Women have an embarrassment of riches up front.

While it means that the 19-year-old forward gets a move to London to be nearer her family (including brother Reece, the Blues’ right back), it puts a further question mark over Beth England’s place in the league title holders’ team.

Lauren’s four-year contract means she’s finally back at the club where it all began when she was six.

Blues gaffer Emma Hayes has been tracking her for the past season. “She’s an exciting young talent who we’ve admired for a while,” she said.

Lauren James is a strong, no-nonsense striker, capable of brushing defenders aside and developing goal-scoring chances.

She says she has transformed into a fully developed player in the last few years, with her target (like Emma Hayes’) now being Champions League glory. But with Fran Kirby, Sam Kerr, Pernille Harder, Erin Cuthbert, Guro Reiten AND Beth England also pushing for front slots, there is likely to be disappointment ahead for some.

Long-serving winger Hannah Blundell has already moved in the opposite direction to United, but there is growing speculation that England could also be persuaded to head north.

United will need a replacement for James, and could use the transfer money to tempt Beth England to join them, especially if they can guarantee her the regular football she needs.

The season starts in the first days of September with Chelsea Women having a tough opening fixture at Arsenal, followed by a home match at Kingsmeadow the following weekend against Everton, giving all the players currently away on Olympics duty a chance to rest and recover.

The views expressed in this blog are those of the author and unless specifically stated are not necessarily those of Hammersmith & Fulham Council.

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Tim Harrison

Tim is our Chelsea FC blogger.

Tim has been writing Chelsea match reports since the late 1980s for newspapers and, more recently, websites.

When he first reported on the Blues, the press box was a metal cage suspended over the lip of the old west stand - and you reached it via a precarious walkway over the heads of the fans.

But he has been a Chelsea fan since his father took an excited seven-year-old to watch Chelsea v Manchester United in the mid 1960s... and covered his ears every time the chanting got too ripe.

In July 2005 he wrote The Rough Guide to Chelsea, published by Penguin, which sold 15,000 copies.

His favourite player of all time is Charlie Cooke, the mazy winger who lit up Chelsea's left wing in the 60s and 70s.

When he isn't watching the Blues, Tim acts, paints, writes and researches local history.

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