How to get a job if you're a young person with SEND

A guide to finding work that’s right for you if you are a young person with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), including job coaches and employment support.

Supported employment for people with disabilities

Supported employment is way of helping people with disabilities to find and stay in work.

We work closely with the West London Alliance to create a variety of supported employment projects.

The following is a list of some of the organisations and programmes that offer supported employment opportunities. As opportunities change, we regularly refresh these schemes:

  • Bishop Creighton House Mentoring Project
  • H&F Works
  • i-MATTER Mentoring Programme
  • Action West London: GOLDD Project
  • Leonard Cheshire: ACE Programme

For more on these schemes, go to the British Association for Supported Employment (BASE) website

You can also go to the BASE frequently asked questions.

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