Local Offer for SEND

The Local Offer (LO) brings into one place, information about services and the support available for children and young people from birth to 25 who have special educational needs and disabilities and their families.

About the Local Offer for SEND

What the Local Offer (LO) is and help to access information, the LO annual report, how we co-produce the LO with residents and decision makers, H&F strategies and plans for SEND.

I think my child needs help

The first steps to take and who to speak to if you have concerns about your child including behaviour, speech, language, and communication needs, eating, toileting and sleeping issues.

SEND support in education

Find out about SEND support in mainstream education and learning skills to prepare young people for their future.

Money and benefits

Benefits and financial support, direct payments, benefits and support for working parents, support for parents own low incomes.

Preparing for adulthood (PfA)

Find out about the pathways in preparing young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and other additional support needs for adulthood.

Resources for SENCOs

Resources to support you in your role as a SENCO including OAP checklists, policy documents, forums and training.

Contact us

To contact us about services for children and young people with SEND and their families and for resources for professionals email us at localoffer@lbhf.gov.uk

For other family hub contact details see Contact family hubs and partner services

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