Register a still-birth

How to register a still-birth.

When a pregnancy passes 24 weeks and the baby sadly dies before it is born, this is called a still-birth. A still-birth must be registered within 42 days at the register office in the borough where it took place. In special circumstances a still-birth can be registered up to three months after it took place.

Still-births in Hammersmith & Fulham

If the still-birth took place in Hammersmith & Fulham, you will need to attend Hammersmith & Fulham register office for the registration.

We run an appointment service appointment from Monday to Friday between 9am and 4pm, which ensures that we are able to see you as soon as you arrive. The bereavement midwife can call to book this appointment on your behalf or you can book the appointment by calling 020 8753 2140.

Still-births outside Hammersmith & Fulham

If the still-birth occurred outside of the London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham, we can complete a declaration for the register office which covers the area in which the still-birth took place. We will take the information from the informant and post it to that register office. They will then post you out all the relevant documentation to the informant.

The register office operates an appointment service where the bereavement midwife will book the appointment from Monday to Friday between 9am and 4pm. This will ensure that we are able to see you as soon as you arrive.

Who can register the still-birth?

Married parents

  • mother
  • father.

If the parents are unable to attend the registration then the following people can register as qualified informants:

  • the occupier of the house or institution in which the still-birth took place
  • a person present at the still-birth
  • the person in charge of the still-born child
  • the person who found the still-born child.

Unmarried parents

If the parents were not married at the time of conception or still-birth, both parents must attend for the father's details to be entered into the register.

The mother is able to attend the registration on her own, but the father’s details will be left off the registration. It may be possible to add the father’s details at a later date through a re-registration.

If one parent cannot go to the register office, they will need to complete a Statutory Declaration of Parentage form (pdf 30KB) in the presence of a qualified official who is listed on the form. The form should be given to us at the time of registration.

What to bring?

  • medical certificate of still-birth issued by certifying doctor or registered midwife
  • still-birth declaration certificates cost £12.50. Please provide the registration officer with your contact details at the time of your appointment so that payment can be taken over the phone.
  • someone who can translate for you if you do not speak or understand English.

What information will I need?

  • name of the baby if one was given
  • surname of the baby
  • date and place of the still-birth
  • full names and occupation of the mother and father.


Due to the sensitive nature of still births we have taken the decision not to charge for a still-birth certificate.

If you would like more than one certificate a fee will be payable for any additional certificates.

  • £12.50 for each additional certificate. We accept card payment only.

Documents you will receive

  • a certificate of registration (different from a still-birth certificate)
  • certificate for burial or cremation - separate procedures apply where the death has been referred to the coroner.

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